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Сообщение aydybaly » 04 апр 2020, 18:07

Raging Leo Some athletes use a special simulator to perform the exercise, which allows you to simulate the lifting of dumbbells. For the correct execution of the technique, use the following stages of work: - the athlete takes dumbbells in both hands, using the upper grip, with the palms facing each other; - elbows bend slightly; - the dumbbell rises up (with each hand). Tips, tricks, mistakes An athlete should focus on the work of muscles. Importantcontrol the path of the hands and follow the technique of the exercise. The dumbbell should rise to eye level. This approach will allow the development of deltoid muscles especially effectively. Keeping your hands down, do not touch your hips. Between the arm and thigh should be approximately 10 cm. Increase the number of repetitions gradually. To begin with, 15 repetitions and 3 approaches are suitable. Then you need to increase the load on each hand. So the muscles will not be able to get used to the tension. For More Information Visit:- >>> https://www.healthsuperclub.com/raging-leo/
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Зарегистрирован: 04 апр 2020, 17:37

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